Church Membership
Service Time: Sunday 10:00 a.m.
100 Timothy Drive, Elizabeth, PA 15037 412-751-0511

Church Membership

When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we become members of his body of believers—the Church. Christ’s body of believers is made up of millions of other Christians that we can now call “sister” and “brother.”  We need a relationship with other Christians in order to be nurtured more fully, and when prepared to nurture others.  The body can be much more effective when it works together as one when it worships, does ministry, and participates in mission in Christ’s name.  And we can find encouragement and be held accountable when we share our faith together with other Christians.


There are several means of becoming a member of Central Highlands Community United Methodist Church.  


First, if you are presently a practicing member of another United Methodist Church or a church of another Christian denomination, we receive you by “transfer.”  With your permission, we contact your former congregation and ask them to recommend you to us.  Then, on a prescribed Sunday, we welcome you to the congregation in a worship service.


Second, if you are not a member of a Christian church, we ask you to meet with our pastor to explore what being a member of a Christian congregation is about.  Then we would receive you by “confirming your faith” in a  worship service.


Third, when baptized children attain the age of approximately 12 years (6th grade), we have a Sunday Church School class specifically designed to engage them in becoming productive and knowledgeable members of Christ’s Church.  Typically, this class lasts three years, though we receive them in a worship service by “confirmation” after their second year.